Thursday, January 5, 2012

Entertained News: 05/01/2012

Beam Me Up, Cumberbatch

It seems like ages since we've had any real news regarding the sequel to the 2009 Star Trek re-vamp, but apparently the latest casting is our very own Sherlock Holmes: Benedict Cumberbatch. There's no news yet to suggest what role Cumberbatch will be taking on, however the rumour mills have it that he'll be playing a Star Trek villain, and even further rumours hinting that he has snapped up the villainy role that Benecio Del Toro was touted to take. Whether this is true or not, I don't know, but with Cumberbatch's reputation as the bad guy (Starter For Ten, anyone?), I'm interested in how this role will go.

Cumberbatch isn't the only Brit actor to have snagged a role in one of the most-anticipated films, is Noel Clarke. Better known for his role in Doctor Who, as well as his writing and acting credits for Kidulthood and Adulthood,  Clarke's role also remains a mystery, however rumours suggest that he'll be playing a family man, which of course tells us absolutely na-da about the character as a whole.

Alongside Alice Eve, who has also been cast in the film, and Simon Pegg who reprises his role as Scottie, fromt he previous film, it's interesting and equally great to see so many English actors taking roles in what is a long-running classic series.

The Fifth of a...Trilogy...?

I was introduced to the Mortal Instruments books last year after completing the Hunger Games books, by a good friend who introduced them to me as a trilogy. So, imagine my surprise when I discovered that a fourth one had been released. Okay, fine. Authors change their minds, because let's face it we get into the heads of the characters, and it's hard to put them down. A fourth book I could handle. However, today saw the announcement of what the book cover will look like for the....fifth book in the trilogy...

This may just be the weirdest trilogy I've ever come across!!

Being only on the third book in the series, and in the knowledge that I also have to read the prequel series, I wish they'd slow down a bit, so I could catch up!! But then, at least I know that I have lots of books to look forward to.

Regarding the cover, I'm not really a fan of image-based covers, on books, with actors playing the characters, because they seem so cheesy. If they're photographs or very close to looking like photographs, I just don't really like them, as they're a bit like the tacky covers of ripped men "wooing" incredibly odd-looking women on the covers of Mills and Boon novels. I think I preferred the earlier books' covers where you couldn't see their heads. I don't know, I think that when it comes to reading books, I prefer to have my own image of the characters in my head, rather than have it placed there for me.

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