Quanah called tonight. Job searching is very active now. There is a school in Concord and another in Sierra Madra in Southern California. Praying hard for a job before he graduates but more importantly praying that he passes his Comps. They are in two weeks.
Just looked outside the building. It's raining again. There's just no getting away from the March weather. In like a lamb and out like a lion.
We had a day and a half of great weather and now we are in a new storm front. So much for planting the herbs and roses I picked up yesterday.
LUNCH HOUR - Well, that was frustrating. There are only so many places where I can buy yarn around here - Michael's and Walmart. Have been to both and all of a sudden I am on the great yarn hunt for the yellow color and texture I need to finish the fluffy baby sweater. Lesson? Find something I like and be sure to buy several in many colors OR keep meticulous records of the brand and where I found it and and and. . . . Darn IT!!!!!!!
MORNING - After a busy and fruitful weekend, I'm back to Monday - at work again. Looking back on my "to do" list of the weekend, I'm reminded of how much better things work out for me when I keep a list. As I mark things off as "accomplished" I end up with a tangible record of what I actually managed to do. The biggest thing in my mind this weekend was the baby sweater. I am learning so much as I go through the process of knitting it and putting it together. As I study the results, I learn what I like and don't like; I learn what works and what doesn't; I learn about the weight of the yarn, how it feels and what I feel comfortable with. Currently I'm putting together a newborn size sweater knitted on 3-ply yarn. The results will far outstrip my first effort but as I put this one together I am also working on a third effort. The weight of the yarn of this third sweater is softer, heavier, textured and overall much more comfortable to work with. I am guessing that when it come time to put it all together, the results will be more substantial and satisfying. Eventually I will have pictures to post to this musing but first I have to figure out how to use Don's digital camera. Studying the camera book was one of the things I DIDN'T get to this week. More later, I'm sure, as my Monday progresses.
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