Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Spring Break Tuesday - Part Two

Biene and I met for brunch today at A.J.'s. Turns out Don had lunch at 11 a.m. and ended up there too. He sat across from us but Biene and I still had a girlie tete a tete. Yes, girlie. I don't care how old we get, women stay girlie. We had a blast. The big plan is to get together one Saturday and go to this little yarn shop that she discovered at Knight's Ferry. K.F. is a great destination place. It is a one street town in the foothills east of Oakdale and is located right on the Toulumne River. There is a great historic covered bridge to walk across.

After lunch I picked up mom and brought her to the bank where she cashed in two of her savings bonds. That will keep her set for a while. The best part of the day though was going back to Sequoia Lake and feeding the ducks. Mom was so happy there. She and her walker went after the ducks and eventually she settled into one of the Adirondak chairs and enjoyed the spring sunshine. One of my independent lady ducks appeared unescorted and she very boldly approached mom until eventually she was brave enough to pick at the crumbs right at her feet.
I took lots of picture of mom and the ducks but not being digital, they'll have to be developed another day.

THEN!! this huge ruckus ensued. A very aggressive male chased, pecked, mounted and pulled the wings of a very unwilling female. They were circling our chairs and it was really quite wild. She finally shook him off and he then went after my independent lady. Miss I. L. was back in the water by this time and she was having none of it. Lift off! and she was gone. The nasty bad boy of the pond paddled away no doubt in search of other pray.

And so it went today. I picked up more flowers for the backyard and I'll put them in tomorrow. Knitted another square for my blanket this evening and watched TV. Nothing happened with the kitchen today so I'll tackle more of that tomorrow.

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